Our Story


My name is Tyler Miller, I am the owner and craftsman of Broken Stone Leather. This company was built from what started as a hobby, to which I dedicated every second of free time that I had. That hobby turned into a passion for not only leather work but also craftsmanship in general.

As a kid I grew up with 2 very mechanically and artistically inclined parents. 

My mother, who I have to thank for everything wonderful in my life and has always been a problem solver, and a true maker. She taught me how to sew with a machine at a very young age. Any time I would come to her with a project or some ridiculous “invention” I wanted to make, she would put on her thinking face and say, “Well, let’s figure it out”. She is the one who taught me that if you put your mind to it, you can truly do anything, no matter how ridiculous it may seem.

My father, a craftsman by trade, was eager to teach my brother and I anything he knew, no matter how young we were. He allowed us access to a shop with a lifetime worth of tools, where we could make anything, including mistakes. As a young boy, watching my dad in his shop and seeing how meticulous he was about every little detail in his work showed me how much craftsmanship mattered. 

Between the two of them, I have seen them create beautiful things. Both of my parents are endless sources of knowledge. To this day, they are my personal help desk. It doesn’t matter if I am lying a wood floor, building a bench, fixing a shower or even trying start a business, they are always there for me.

I don’t work alone-

A huge part in being able to start this business is my wife, Amber, she has always been extremely supportive of me and believes in my dreams. She also helps in the work shop and just happens to have a beautiful saddle stitch!

Meet Eva,

Although Eva can’t stitch, cut leather, or anything that requires thumbs, she keeps us hard at work, but frequently reminds us to take breaks to throw her frisbees. 

As a family, we have a deep love for the outdoors such as: camping, hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, overlanding, paddle boarding, and anything that gets us out in nature.

We love mountains as much as the next person, but our preferred landscape is the desert. Whether it be the red canyons of southern Utah or the incredibly rugged and endless terrain of the west desert, these are the places that make us feel alive. 

At the beginning of 2021, I decided I would finally start this business. This is only the beginning of our story and I can’t wait to see where it goes. 

Thank you so much for visiting our shop!